Prior Courses:
CS 6789: Foundations of Reinforcement Learning
Fall 2020, Cornell
CSE 599m: Reinforcement Learning and Bandits
Spring 2019, UW
CSE 446: Machine Learning
Winter 2019, UW
CSE 547 / STAT 548: Machine Learning for Big Data
Spring 2018, UW
CSE 446: Machine Learning
Winter 2018, UW
CSE 547 / STAT 548: Machine Learning for Big Data
Spring 2017, UW
CSE 546: Machine Learning
Autumn 2016, UW
CSE 547 / STAT 548: Machine Learning for Big Data
Spring 2016, UW
CSE 546: Machine Learning
Autumn 2015, UW
Stat 928: Statistical Learning Theory
Spring 2011, Wharton, UPenn
Stat 991: Multivariate Analysis, Dimensionality Reduction, and Spectral Methods
Spring 2010, Wharton, UPenn
Large Scale Learning
Spring 2009, TTI-C
Learning Theory
Spring 2008, TTI-C